Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Jodi Sta.Maria in Boom Sason Maillout

Photo credit: @boomita

Let's kick off this blog makeover by this super hot Boom Sason maillout worn by the super hot mama, Filipina actress Jodi Sta. Maria. She's on the Cover of March 2013 issue of Preview Magazine.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Make Over!

I have been MIA for ages but now, I already have a better idea on what to do with this abandoned blog. And the first step towards a major make over is the change of blog URL and title. Oh and the niche as well! Though it still has something to do with fashion, I decided to focus on only one area from now on and that is *drum roll* swimsuit. Starting now, I will be posting pictures of celebrities (be it local or international) in swimsuit as well as latest collection of swimsuits from various brands and designers all over the world. Talking about world domination. Kidding aside, I am hoping that I will always have something to post and give this blog the same attention my other blog, Intricacy enjoys. With regards to the posts I made prior this, I may not be removing them for the time being.

I believe that now is the right time for this change because my country is approaching the season when people frequent the beach and sometimes consider stripping down their last piece of clothing due to the scorching heat of the sun aka SUMMER. LOL!

So my dear readers, sit back, relax and watch out for the photos of hot swimsuits worn by hot bodies in the days to come.